Other Products |
Phone: | +44 (0) 7778 150370 |
Email: | fox@trevorfox.co.uk |
Website: | www.trevorfox.co.uk |
Miscellaneous products: my experience includes all of the following:
Acid storage tanks
Adhesives and polymers
Building materials
CNC equipment
Electrical equipment including transformers; fuses; lighting
Fire suppression systems and extinguishers
Fireworks and pyrotechnic devices
Food and drink including baby food
Heating and ventilation systems;
Kitchen equipment and ductwork
Labelling, warnings and instructions
Lifting and access equipment; hoists and mobile and static crane failures
Packaging failures
Pharmaceuticals and medical devices and monitoring equipment
Plastics and glass
Printing machinery
Pumps – fuel; water; hydraulic
Rubber and synthetic rubber products
Seals and gaskets
Train axles and bearings
Valves and joints;
Waste recycling machinery
Dr Trevor Fox LLB PhD Solicitor and Commercial Mediator |
Phone: | +44 (0) 7778 150370 |
Email: | fox@trevorfox.co.uk |
Website: | www.trevorfox.co.uk |
SRA | 656673 |
VAT | GB 320 5637 29 |
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